Dubai: The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has teamed up with the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) to kick off the third edition of the Innovation Accelerators Programme for its employees.
In this round, 20 employees from different teams will work together to develop five creative ideas. These ideas emerged from innovation laboratories involving young people, academic institutions, and RTA’s partners. The goal is to turn these ideas into actual business concepts within a span of eight weeks.
This initiative reflects RTA’s dedication to embracing entrepreneurial ideas and bringing them to life. Their ultimate vision is to become the global leader in providing seamless and sustainable mobility solutions. By launching the Innovation Accelerators Programme, RTA aims to serve as a platform for introducing fresh and unique business ideas. Additionally, the Innovation Acceleration Programme will help launch more innovative projects, further enhancing the transportation sector’s capacity for large-scale innovation.
Mr. Hussain Al Banna, CEO of RTA’s Strategy & Corporate Governance Sector, stated that, “RTA aims to assume a leadership role and foster a culture of innovative culture among employees by forging partnerships with universities, specialised research centres key partners and stakeholders. RTA formed five teams from its agencies and sectors for the third edition of innovation accelerators. Over the course of eight weeks, each team will work on developing practical use cases in four main areas: mobility, infrastructure, urban planning, and sustainability.”
Through these initiatives, RTA aims to foster an innovation culture within the roads and transportation sector. This will ensure continuous growth and improvement, while also promoting the dissemination and adoption of innovative practices on a broader scale.