London, UK: The National Health Insurance Company Daman has won five international awards that recognize the company’s exceptional performance in various fields, including health insurance, innovation, and social responsibility.
The company received two awards from Global Brands Magazine’s Global Brands Awards for 2022, which are the “Digital Insurance Innovation of the Year’ award and the “Best Insurer for CSR Initiative” award, for the efforts to attain the highest standards of excellence, as well as the deployment of the best technological solutions to serve its clients and carrying out several social initiatives.
“We affirm our commitment to continuing our efforts to take the sector to new heights and to investing in the healthcare sector in the UAE as a reliable government partner,” the chairman added.
Mr. Hamad Abdullah Al Mehyas, CEO of the company, won three awards, including “Best Emerging Insurance CEO of 2022,” part of the esteemed Global Business Outlook awards, “Best Emerging CEO in Health Insurance for 2022,” by the Global Economics Leadership Awards and the CEO was also named “Insurance Personality of the Year for 2022” at the Global Brands Awards.
The awards have elevated Mr. Al Mehyas’ position as one of the most prominent and influential leaders in the region’s insurance sector.
According to the reports, “The awards have enabled the CEO to contribute to supporting government agencies and regulatory bodies, as did his leadership of a number of strategic initiatives under the umbrella of the Emirates Insurance Association, where he holds the offices of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Higher Technical Committee, Chairman of the Insurance Technical Subcommittee on Life and Health Insurance, and Chairman of the Emiratization Committee.”