Dubai: In line with the Emirate’s inclusive legal framework that protects the Rights of People of Determination (People with Disabilities) and ensures their integration into the broader community, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai has issued the Law No. (3) of 2022 elaborating on the Rights of People of Determination in Dubai.
The Ruler of Dubai has also issued the Executive Council Resolution No. (1) of 2022 pertaining to the Executive Regulation of the Law on the Rights of People of Determination in the Emirate of Dubai, which will strive towards ensuring the inclusion and integration of People of Determination into society and enabling them to fully participate in all spheres of life.
The Law has made provisions to ensure that People of Determination are part of the drafting process of the policies and legislations that concern them or may affect their quality of life.
The new law elaborates on the Rights of People of Determination and the services that relevant entities should offer them which include but are not limited to, education, rehabilitation, inclusive job opportunities in all sectors, and healthcare, therapeutic and social services, in addition to access to all services such as worship, police and legal services.
The Law proposes that relevant organizational bodies should offer People of Determination the ability to access data and information through various platforms and inform them about their legal rights. The Regulation is also striving to ensure that People of Determination can access banking services and participate in various sports and entertainment programmes, among others.
A new permanent committee titled, ‘Higher Committee to Protect the Rights of People of Determination’ will be created in accordance to the new law with the Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai issuing necessary decisions on the formation of the Committee and representations on the Committee from relevant entities and the community of People of Determination.
According to the Law, a person with a disability, his or her guardian, or anyone who witnesses a violation of the rights or mistreatment of People of Determination, should report the incident to relevant authorities.
Dubai’s Community Development Authority will issue Identification Cards for People of Determination registered in Dubai which will help them in accessing facilities and services allocated to them.
Violators of all nature in accordance to the new Law will be subject to fines listed in the Executive Regulation of the Law. Fines will be doubled in case an offence is repeated within a year of the first offence, up to a maximum of $27226.07.
The newly issued Law No. (3) of 2022 replaces Law No. (2) of 2012 pertaining to the Protection of the Rights of People of Determination in the Emirate of Dubai. The Law also terminates any other legislation that may contradict it. The newly issued Law is effective from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.