Castleton, England: In a heartwarming tale of academic recognition, a beloved campus cat named Max has been awarded an honorary degree from Vermont State University. Max’s contributions to the university community, including providing comfort and companionship to students, have been acknowledged with this unique distinction.
Max, who lives near the campus with Ashley Dow and her family, has become a cherished presence at Vermont State University. He has been granted an honorary doctorate in “litter-ature” for his endearing impact on students and faculty. The university’s recent Facebook post humorously noted that the degree includes “catnip perks, scratching post privileges, and litter box responsibilities.”
Adsel Sparrow, a senior at the university, shared, “I’ll pet him, give him a quick hug. He’s always super friendly, always super sweet. Sometimes, I see him chasing little animals, but that was when he was younger.”
Max’s owner, Ashley Dow, said, “He likes to be carried around on backpacks. Students pick him up, and he crawls up on their backs.”
Jessica Duncan, director of career development and innovation, noted Max’s positive influence, especially during finals week. “You can see him enlighten students. He jumps on their backs, and they’re taking selfies with him. He draws the crowds.”
Max is also a highlight of campus tours for prospective students, as Brandon Kennedy, the associate director of admissions, explained, “He comes out and actually greets most of our guests. He’ll follow them over to the old chapel and usually follows right along with them.”
As the school year ends and students head home for the summer, Max often becomes confused and misses his campus friends. “He’ll go looking and then come back, kind of disappointed, kind of sad,” said Ashley Dow.
The Dow family looks forward to spending more time with Max during the breaks. Sydney Dow, Max’s human sister, added, “He’s very lovable because almost every night, I go to do my nighttime routine, and he’s upstairs hanging out with me.”
Max’s honorary degree in “litter-ature” is a fitting tribute to a cat who has brought so much joy and comfort to the Vermont State University community.
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